Corporate Wellness

Corporate Wellness

A Worksite wellness program which focuses mainly on healthy eating and behaviour changes at the work place is of utmost importance because we spend most time of the day at work.

Companies investing in their employees’ health through implementation of wellness programs will benefit in both the short and long term. According to the Institute for Health Care Consumerism, health care cost decreases significantly by means of 28% less sick days, 30% less workers’ compensation and disability management cases and a 26% reduction in health care costs.

Healthy eating not only improves employees’ concentration levels, but also plays an important role in decision making. Employees tend to meet set targets due to less absenteeism. All these positive aspects contribute to employees improved morale, because they are motivated. As a result both productivity and turnover increases. Your company’s expenses will also be tax deductible.

Registered Wellness Service provider with Bestmed Tempo Wellness Programme

Contact us

MCare Hospital, c/o Hennie Bingle & Ametis Street, First Floor, Suite 8
Tel: 083 379 6148
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